The Studious Students of Kuchinoshima (July 7th)



Since our 5th and 6th grade teacher, Mr. H, went up to the mainland, today we were down one homeroom teacher. But as you can expect, our 5th and 6th graders were on their best behavior. For their second period Japanese class, and their third period math class, they knew exactly what to do, and while they tackled the work left for them, they even became the audience for our 2nd grader's school work.

It was a change of pace for 2nd grader, student H as well, to have a class where she was watched by other students, but she was able to happily participate in the class.

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 今日児童生徒は英語をたくさん使いました。まず中学2年生はいろいろな誘う表現を復習して,お互いに英会話でその表現を練習しました。「Shall we ~?」や「I'm sorry, but I can't. I ~. 」などの表現を練習してから,生徒はお互いに誘ったり,断ったりする会話ができるようになりました。そして小学3・4年生は外国語の授業で小文字の練習を始めました。書きながら,文字のフォニックス発音も復習しました。そして「What food do you like?」という質問を使って,ラッキーカードゲームを楽しみました。みんなよくできました。

Our students used a lot of English today. The 8th graders reviewed ways of inviting in English, and used them in conversations with each other. After practicing the phrases like, "Shall we ~?" and "I'm sorry, but I can't. I ~." they invited each other to things, and declined those invitations. Our 3rd and 4th graders learned the lower-case versions for A-N today. They also reviewed the phonetic pronunciation for the letters. Then they practiced today's question, "What food do you eat?" by playing a lucky card game. Good job everyone!

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 7月3日に5・6年生はTV会議で平島と外国語の授業を行いました。今回は1学期に学習した英語を使って,互いに自己紹介をしました。英語で書いた時の名前のスペルや誕生日,好きな物(教科)など,1学期だけでもたくさんの表現を学習しましたが,それらをうまく使いながら,どちらの島の児童も自己紹介ができていたと思います。また,"What ~ do you like?" など,互いに質問もし合って,たくさんのことを知ることができました。子どもたちからは「好きなものが同じ人がいて,おもしろかった」や「修学旅行の前にお互いのことを知れて良かった」といった感想もあり,今回の授業で交流できたことが楽しかったようです。

On July 3rd, the 5th and 6th graders had English class with Tairajima through TV conference. For this session they introduced themselves using the English they've learned. They have learned many expressions in the first semester, such as spelling their names, saying their birthdays, and their favourite things and subjects. Also, the students asked each other, "What ~ do you like?" and were able to know many things. Some impressions were: "It was interesting that there were students who liked the same things." "I'm glad we learned about each other before the school trip." The students seemed to have enjoyed the interactions of the class.




このページは、口之島小中学校が2020年7月 6日 17:40に書いた記事です。

ひとつ前の記事は「The Importance of Nutrition (July 2nd, 2020)」です。

次の記事は「Let Our Wishes Come True」です。



月別 アーカイブ