A Sunny Wednesday(June 24th)

Today was a partly cloudy warm day. Our students practiced riding unicycles for their morning exercise. Some of them were practicing riding backwards on a unicycle, and made good progress today! Our students are very talented kids indeed!


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Our ALT visited the island's preschool today for another Eigo Asobi class! Continuing the theme of colours, the preschoolers practiced saying the names of the colours in English. After that, they played three games using the colours white and black: a colour hunt game, a card flipping game, and Othello. The kids were able to find all the items for the hunt game, had a blast flipping cards over to their team's colour in the card flip game, and beat our ALT in a game of Othello! The kids seemed to have really enjoyed the lesson!


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Today's lunch: milk, an apple jelly, stir fried wakame, barley and rice, and a dried daikon stew.

 今日の給食:ミルク,りんごゼリー,わかめ炒め,麦ごはん,干し大根 の煮物




このページは、口之島小中学校が2020年6月24日 18:04に書いた記事です。

ひとつ前の記事は「English Class(June 23rd)」です。

次の記事は「Open Class(June 25th)」です。



月別 アーカイブ